Machine referenceCOLA 036
Type of applicationElectrical, cabinet, control panel, brushless motors ac drive
Type of coating & laminatingGravure and semi-Flexo
product to be coated/laminatedAluminium from 12 µ
Web width (mm)1250 mm
Working  width (mm)1200 mm
Speed (m/min)400m/min
Primary unwinderTurret automatic, tension control, pneumatic shaft 6 »
Reels diameter (mm)1000 mm
Secondary unwinder
Reels diameter (mm)
RewinderTurret automatic , tension control, pneumatic shaft 6 »
Reels diameter (mm)1000 mm
Coating unit coating unit 1 with gravure trolley and sleeve type , coating unit 2 with gravure trolley and semi-Flexo trolley, trolleys are interchangeable between coting  unit 1 and 2
Drying  systemFull ventilation system with Thermal  Oil heat exchangers, first coating unit  2 zones: one vertical dryer  length 1,8 m ,max T°C 120 and horizontal dryer 3m length, max T°C 150, total air inlet 7000m3/h, total installed power 300000kcal, second coating unit: 4 zones, one vertical dryer 3m length maxT°C120, 3 horizontal dryers of 3m each, max T°C 150,200,150, total installed power 800000kcal
Web guide systemYes
Mixer / PumpsYes
Register Control
Corona treatmentYes
Additional informationAutomatic LEL control, control for Driers, Automatic viscosity control, Chillers, CO2 fire extinguisher complete on the machine, anti-static bars

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